Monday, June 23, 2008

I am

I am a team player
I am a thinker & a doer
I am driven to succeed
I am willing to do what it takes to better my family
I am willing to do what it takes to better my life
I am ready for change
I am ready to take my life to the next level
I am an action taker
I am quick decision maker
I am successful
I am committed to myself and my family
I am a great provider for my family
I am creative
I am passionate about life
I am excited to help other people
I am good at 'Simon Says'
I am going to reach my goals
I am surrounding myself with successful people
I am confident
I am on the right path
I am highly motivated
I am laser focused
I am a magnet to money
I am proud of the choices and decisions I make

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